Needless to say, it had been quite sometime since my last post, over three months to be exact. At the time I last wrote I'd had a recent gain. Unfortunately that wasn't a one off. I've since been avoiding posting here because I didn't really want to admit that my cruisey weight loss ride had come to an end. But it had.
I've had trouble with snacking, my old foe McDonalds has returned to plague me and I also haven't been going to the gym as much. All of this is having a rather negative effect on my weight. At the this point in time I honestly can't remember the last time I cooked myself dinner or had a decent breakfast. I've been living of frozen meals and Up-n-go.
At todays Doctor's appointment I admitted what was already apparent from my stepping onto the scales. I was stuck. I had been wondering if some sort of dietary supplement (in this case Celebrity Slim) would be of any benefit to me, if was in fact even 'safe' from a doctors viewpoint. Reiterating the fact that it is in no way a long term solution, my doctor agreed that it might be worth having a try of it, even if my only aim is to reduce my constant snacking and develop regular mealtimes.
Having lost weight, I am now able to very quickly notice the effects that my diet of late is having on my body. My skin is becoming troublesome again; leaving me with plenty of breakouts to deal with. My clothes are once again becoming tighter, I find it harder to wake up in the morning; feeling much more sluggish in general and I also feel that my self confidence has taken a bit of a nose-dive.
I will be starting Celebrity Slim this Thursday. It will cost me about fifty dollars a week, yet that is still much less than if I were buying McDonalds every day. Here's hoping that I can come up with results and here's hoping that you hear from me again much sooner next time!