Starting weight:159.2kg
Current Weight:142.4kg
A loss of:-16.8kg
Spring has finally made a proper entrance in Victoria, Australia this weekend. And it was only a month late! I'm sitting out on the nice cool and sunny veranda. I may be imagining that I can smell the beach (1.5km away) but I can defiantly smell summer in the air. As much as this is making me feel all bouncy and optimistic at the moment, I know that the moment the temperature reaches 30 degrees (86f) I'm going to turn into Miss Grumbles, hiding inside my flat with the curtains closed and several fans on full blast.
The unfortunate reality is that fat is NOT fun when you fall into that cruel category of 'morbidly obese'. I break into a sweat walking the 10 metres to hang my washing out. Choosing clothes to wear is a catch 22. I wear dark clothes so that any sweat patches aren't visible, yet as in every other place around the world, dark clothes absorb every possible ray of heat around.
As I said earlier though, this pleasant weather (not too hot, not too cold and it smells so good) has me feeling optimistic. Hopefully by the time summer officially rolls around on December first, I will have lost 20kgs (44lbs) or more since that 20kg mark is only 3.2kgs away, and I will find this summer easier to cope with. Perhaps I'll be able to wear shorts (but not short shorts. I'm nowhere near ready for that!) and singlet tops instead of dark, moderately long sleeved shirts and full length, heavy as all hell when sweaty, jeans.
I think I'm going to go make the most of this weather now. I've spent all afternoon answering cruel questions about web design, which as it was holiday homework, I should have started it long before the due date (tomorrow). Its the time of year when I plant my giant sunflowers (over 6ft) and the dwarf variety (1ft) as well. I'm still puzzling over where to put my delicious broad (fava) beans this year as during winter I filled my veggie patch with roses. I'll just have to dig a new hole somewhere...
Have a good day everyone, I know I have. See-ya!

Oy, jealous here - it's definitely fall here in Vancouver, BC, Canada... I'm going to pop in for a visit, yeah? :P
When the weather warms up, it DOES suck so much to be in the morbidly obese category. If you find you're getting a lot of sweat patches, you might want to look into getting the moisture-wicking fabric - it helps me!
Lovely sunflowers, by the way. <3
What's moisture-wicking fabric? I have to say I've never heard of it.
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