Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Non-Scale-Victory's

Through listening to Shauna and Carla’s highly enjoyable podcast ‘Two Fit Chicks and a Microphone’ I have come across the term ‘non-scale-victory’. Of late I have been having lots of victory in regards to the scales, but I have also been noticing more and more non-scale-victory’s. As much as I really enjoy the fact that the numbers on the scales are decreasing, it’s the non-scale-victory’s that are making me feel really good. I thought I’d list the top 15 here.

  1. My rings slip off of my fingers.
  2. I can sometimes buy non-plus-size clothes.
  3. I can go into the ‘skinny’ shops and not feel as if the sales assistant is giving me the evil eye.
  4. Since I’ve started losing weight I’ve had to add 7 holes (23cm) to my belt.
  5. I am no longer wider than my washing machine.
  6. I’m having to buy lots of nice new clothes.
  7. I can sit in plastic chairs without fearing that they’re going to break.
  8. I’m buying clothes that are too small, knowing that in a couple of weeks they'll fit just right.
  9. I’m feeling less like ‘the fat chick’ when I’m at the gym.
  10. I like what I see when I look in the mirror.
  11. I can no longer eat a whole pizza without feeling ill.
  12. I am able to spend increasingly longer amounts of time at the gym.
  13. Friends and family are noticing my weight loss.
  14. When I’m out in public I feel that less and less are people staring at me and thinking ‘Wow, she’s big’.
  15. I am happier overall.
Well there’s my top 15. There are a myriad of other small victory’s, but these are the ones I am most proud off. Hopefully, in the coming months, there will be many more that I can add to this list.

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