Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wow! Now how did that happen?

Starting weight:159.2kg
Current Weight:122.9kg 
A loss of: - 6kg

A total loss of: -36.3kg

I managed to surprise myself. Again that is. I had expected that during my recent holidays I would have had a small gain. Nothing drastic, just the usual effect when you take a week off from diet and exercise. Instead, when I stepped onto the scales at the Doctors this morning, they showed that I have managed to lose 6kgs. 6kgs! I was amazed when I lost 4.9kgs in a two week period. Now I find out I've lost 6kgs in a 3 week period! Is that even healthy?

These two massive weight drops bring my weightloss total for the last 5 weeks to 11kgs. At the beginning I seem to recall it taking several months to lose those first 10kgs. I had always expected that my weightloss would slow down the less I weighed and it seems to be doing the opposite.

A month ago I increased my gym time to 90 minutes, despite this I'm accounting the large amounts of weight I'm losing to my diet. That's not to say it's a good diet though. Of late I'm really not eating much at all. Despite being hungry at times I just cant be bothered, so I eat a small amount of bad food. Or, I find that I cannot tell the whether I'm feeling hungry or if I'm feeling ill, neither of which is a pleasant sensation.

Despite the fact that I love that the weight is coming off, I fear it may make it easier to gain back. So far I've been going with the theory of 'slow and steady wins the race' but all of a sudden the hare is no longer sleeping and the tortise has been left in the dust. Hopefully I will figure out what is going on soon enough, in the meantime, I'm just going to smile and enjoy the ride.

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